Sunday, May 26, 2013

File your TAX Return online

For online filing of  e-tax return.get resister with your valid PAN card on
After registration follow these steps:

Step 1: On homepage of GO TO 'Downloads' section and select applicable Income Tax Return Form of the relevant Assessment Year OR Login to e-Filing application and GO TO 'Downloads'.'Income Tax Return Forms' and select applicable Income Tax Return Form of the relevant Assessment Year.

Step 2: Download the excel utility of the Income Tax Return (ITR).

Step 3: Fill the excel utility and Validate. (You can pre-fill the Personal and Tax Information in your Income Tax Return. To pre-fill, Login to e-Filing application and GO TO  Download Pre-filled XML to the desired path/destination in your desktop/system. Open the Excel utility (ITR) and click the "Pre-fill" button. This will require you to select the path/destination where you have saved the XML and click OK. The details will be uploaded into your utility. You may edit the tax details, if needed).

Step 4: Generate an XML file and save in desired path/destination in your desktop/system.

Step 5: LOGIN to e-Filing application and GO TO  e-File and Upload Return
Step 6: Select the Income Tax Return Form and the Assessment Year.

Step 7: Browse and Select the XML file
Step 8: Upload Digital Signature Certificate, if available and applicable.
Step 9: Click 'SUBMIT'
Step 10: On successful upload, Acknowledgement details would be displayed. Click on the link to view or generate a printout of Acknowledgement/ITR-V and send it to CPC, Post Bag No. 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore - 560100 by Ordinary Post or Speed Post (without Acknowledgment) ONLY, within 120 days from the date of e-Filing.

Yet there is another option for taxpayer has the option of submitting ITR 1 by way of Uploading XML OR by Online submission

Step 1: Login to e-Filing application
Step 2: GO TO 'e-File'  'Prepare and Submit Online'
Step 3: Select the Income Tax Return Form ITR 1 and the Assessment Year.
Step 4: Fill in the details and click the SUBMIT button
Step 5: On successful submission, Acknowledgement detail is displayed. Click on the link to view or generate a printout of Acknowledgement/ITR-V Form.

If the return is not e-Filed with a DSC (digitally signed), an ITR-V Form will be generated. This is an Acknowledgement cum Verification form. A duly verified ITR-V form should be signed and submitted to CPC, Post Bag No. 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore - 560100 by Ordinary Post or Speed Post (without Acknowledgment) ONLY, within 120 days from the date of e-Filing.
On receipt of the ITR-V at CPC, the return will be further processed and the Assessee will be notified accordingly by email or SMS